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Currently, Docker is required to run FEniCS-MyoSim. Docker is a program that creates “containers” that allows code to be run in a controlled environment using the host computer’s resources. A switch from Docker to Singularity may be made in the future to allow the code to be executed on a computing cluster. To get started, follow these steps (Note, command line text can be copied and pasted into a terminal, but items in < > need to be replaced with user specific information):

Install Docker

Install the latest version of Docker.

Clone the FEniCS-MyoSim Repository

All of the source code to run FEniCS-MyoSim is located on a GitHub repository. Users experienced with Git can do this through a command line approach. Otherwise, a .zip file from the repository can be downloaded. Unzip the folder in your desired directory.

Load Image

A Docker image is a copy of the environment used to execute the code. This allows standardization of the modules and their versions used by FEniCS-MyoSim. The image that needs to be loaded by Docker is in the MMotH-Fenics-UK repository, saved as MMotH-Vent.tar. We need a way to distribute this outside of our lab From the command line, with Docker running, navigate to where this file is saved on your machine, and execute the following:

docker load < MMotH-Vent.tar

Note, this step takes time. Once the step is complete, execute:

docker images

to check that the MMotH-Vent image has been loaded correctly.

Create Container

Once Docker has loaded the image, a container can be created in which FEniCS-MyoSim will be executed. To access the cloned repository, the directory containing FEniCS-MyoSim source code needs to be shared with the container. To create the container, and mount the directory to be shared, execute the following at the command line:

sudo docker run -it --mount src=</path_to_FEniCS-MyoSim_directory_on_machine>,target=/home/fenics/shared/,type=bind <image_name>

The directory structure within the new container is

|  +-- fenics/  
|  |  +-- demo/  
|  |  +-- local/  
|  |  +-- shared/  

and the contents of the FEniCS-MyoSim repository will be located under the shared directory.
Verify that the container has been created by executing the following at the command line:

docker ps -a

This displays a list of all containers created on the local machine.
List of containers Once the container has been created, it needs to be started. Using “Container ID” from the previous command output,

docker start <CONTAINER_ID>

Enter Container Command Line

Now that the container is created and started, the following command takes the user to a command line within the container to execute the FEniCS-MyoSim code. Replace CONTAINER_NAME with the name of the container as seen from the docker ps -a command.

sudo docker exec -ti -u fenics <CONTAINER_NAME> /bin/bash -l

It is recommended to create an alias shortcut to issue this command regularly. Once the container is created from the image, the regular workflow to use FEniCS-MyoSim is:

  • Start Docker
  • From the command line, start the created container using docker start <CONTAINER_ID>
  • Enter the command line in the container using sudo docker exec -ti -u fenics <CONTAINER_NAME> /bin/bash -l.
  • When finished, exit the container by issuing the exit command.

Demos »

Written by the Computational Biomechanics Lab at University of Kentucky