REDCap databases are based on instruments.
Each REDCap instrument is:
Some instruments (for example, the one containing data about a mouse’s death) can only have one instance. (Mice cannot die twice.) Other instruments can have multiple instances. For example, a mouse can undergo echocardiography multiple times.
The main goal of our design is to avoid duplicating information. This requires some thought.
For example, it can be useful to know the weight of a mouse when it was scanned by MRI. One strategy is to include a field for mouse weight in the MRI REDCap instrument. However, we will also be weighing animals when we don’t perform a scan. How do we store these data?
We’ve chosen to put all the mouse weights in a REDCap weight instrument. We’ll then use additional code to link different types of instruments together. For example, we can find the weight of a mouse during an MRI scan by identifying all of the instances of a weight instrument for that mouse, and then selecting the one that was obtained closest in time to the MRI.
See Analyzing data for examples (written in MATLAB) on how to do this sort of analysis.
The table below shows the current instruments (Form Name) and the fields.
mri_field_names are of the form:
For more details (including coding for drop-down lists), see the data_dictionary in REDCap.
For future reference, this table was converted from csv to markdown using this web-tool
| Variable / Field Name | Form Name | Section Header | Field Type |
| record_id | mouse | | text |
| mouse_sex | mouse | | dropdown |
| mouse_date_of_birth | mouse | | text |
| mouse_genotype | mouse | | dropdown |
| weight_mass_g | weight | | text |
| weight_date | weight | | text |
| weight_time | weight | | text |
| mri_date | mri | | text |
| mri_start_time | mri | | text |
| mri_duration | mri | | text |
| mri_body_temp_c | mri | | text |
| mri_heart_rate_bpm | mri | | text |
| mri_ventricle | mri | | dropdown |
| mri_sh_th_ape_sept_d | mri | | text |
| mri_sh_th_ape_anter_d | mri | | text |
| mri_sh_th_ape_later_d | mri | | text |
| mri_sh_th_ape_poster_d | mri | | text |
| mri_sh_th_ape_sept_s | mri | | text |
| mri_sh_th_ape_anter_s | mri | | text |
| mri_sh_th_ape_later_s | mri | | text |
| mri_sh_th_ape_poster_s | mri | | text |
| mri_sh_th_mid_sept_d | mri | | text |
| mri_sh_th_mid_anter_d | mri | | text |
| mri_sh_th_mid_later_d | mri | | text |
| mri_sh_th_mid_poster_d | mri | | text |
| mri_sh_th_mid_sept_s | mri | | text |
| mri_sh_th_mid_anter_s | mri | | text |
| mri_sh_th_mid_later_s | mri | | text |
| mri_sh_th_mid_poster_s | mri | | text |
| mri_sh_th_bas_sept_d | mri | | text |
| mri_sh_th_bas_anter_d | mri | | text |
| mri_sh_th_bas_later_d | mri | | text |
| mri_sh_th_bas_poster_d | mri | | text |
| mri_sh_th_bas_sept_s | mri | | text |
| mri_sh_th_bas_anter_s | mri | | text |
| mri_sh_th_bas_later_s | mri | | text |
| mri_sh_th_bas_poster_s | mri | | text |
| mri_lo_th_ape_sept_d | mri | | text |
| mri_lo_th_ape_anter_d | mri | | text |
| mri_lo_th_ape_later_d | mri | | text |
| mri_lo_th_ape_poster_d | mri | | text |
| mri_lo_th_ape_sept_s | mri | | text |
| mri_lo_th_ape_anter_s | mri | | text |
| mri_lo_th_ape_later_s | mri | | text |
| mri_lo_th_ape_poster_s | mri | | text |
| mri_lo_th_mid_sept_d | mri | | text |
| mri_lo_th_mid_anter_d | mri | | text |
| mri_lo_th_mid_later_d | mri | | text |
| mri_lo_th_mid_poster_d | mri | | text |
| mri_lo_th_mid_sept_s | mri | | text |
| mri_lo_th_mid_anter_s | mri | | text |
| mri_lo_th_mid_later_s | mri | | text |
| mri_lo_th_mid_poster_s | mri | | text |
| mri_lo_th_bas_sept_d | mri | | text |
| mri_lo_th_bas_anter_d | mri | | text |
| mri_lo_th_bas_later_d | mri | | text |
| mri_lo_th_bas_poster_d | mri | | text |
| mri_lo_th_bas_sept_s | mri | | text |
| mri_lo_th_bas_anter_s | mri | | text |
| mri_lo_th_bas_later_s | mri | | text |
| mri_lo_th_bas_poster_s | mri | | text |
| mri_inner_diam_d | mri | | text |
| mri_inner_diam_s | mri | | text |
| mri_vol_d | mri | | text |
| mri_vol_s | mri | | text |
| mri_vent_mass | mri | | text |
| ech_date | echo | | text |
| ech_start_time | echo | | text |
| ech_duration | echo | | text |
| ech_body_temp_c | echo | | text |
| ech_heart_rate_bpm | echo | | text |
| ech_ventricle | echo | | dropdown |
| ech_wall_thick_d_anter | echo | | text |
| ech_wall_thick_d_poster | echo | | text |
| ech_wall_thick_s_anter | echo | | text |
| ech_wall_thick_s_poster | echo | | text |
| ech_inner_diam_d | echo | | text |
| ech_inner_diam_s | echo | | text |
| ech_vol_d | echo | | text |
| ech_vol_s | echo | | text |
| ech_vent_mass | echo | | text |
| death_date | death | | text |
| death_text1 | death | | descriptive |
| death_heart_weight | death | | text |
| death_tibia_length | death | | text |
| biospecimen_date_procured | biospecimen | | text |
| biospecimen_label | biospecimen | | text |
| biospecimen_type | biospecimen | | dropdown |
| biospecimen_type_other | biospecimen | | text |
| biospecimen_date_distrib | biospecimen | | text |
| biospecimen_recipient | biospecimen | | text |
| biospecimen_location | biospecimen | | text |